Thursday, December 10, 2009

Great Technology in Cell-Phone Radiation Protection

There have been great advances lately in the cell-phone radiation protection business. There is an amazing nanotechnolgy patent out called MRET that is quite amazing. MRET was originally discovered for water structuring and now it is being applied to a polymer shielding device. The patent is now held by Biopro technology. Biopro originally used a technology called ERT in their cell phone protection chips and has now paired this with MRET. With all of the talk about brain tumors and wireless radiation I would not have a cell-phone without one and I have given them to all of my family members.

The technology works on the premise that your body, being electrical in nature, reacts to different frequencies in different ways. Frequencies in nature are random and frequencies from electrical and wireless devices are constant. Most of the frequencies in nature do not cause a reaction in our cell communication because they are within our 'Biological Window' or the 'Adey Window' and they are natural to us. Exposure to frequencies like information carrying radio waves are seen as foreign or toxic to our bodies and thus ellicits a chain reaction of cellular shut-down. This is a normal process in all plants and animals when exposed to any type of toxin.

There is a polymer in the MRET chip that is activated by a cell-phone signal which then oscillates sending out a random noise field. This noise field is overlayed on top of the constant field thus making the frequency useless to your cells. It does not effect your phone signal or if used on a wi-fi router it will not effect that signal. It just blocks your cellular response to the frequency. It works on the same premise as a bose head set. The noise is still there but you don't hear it so therefore don't react to it.

You can visit my web-site at for information on any of the technologies or other products. I cannot believe how inexpensive these chips are. Imagine what it would cost you and your family if you developed a brain tumor.

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